control freaks and distractions, productivity tips, Ken Okel

As a leader, you understand that being a control freak allows you to get things done the way you like. You also know this results in people coming to you with lots of questions. Has the situation gotten out of control? Maybe it seems that all you do is answer questions.

Maybe, as a control freak, you’re part of the problem. While there’s nothing wrong with wanting things to be done the right way, that level of supervision can take up a lot of your productive time. This simple strategy can prevent some of the interruptions and give you (as a control freak) more time to pursue your big picture goals.

Ken Okel’s Productivity at Work video series is designed to make you more effective on the job. Every week, you’ll learn a new, easy to digest tip that you can use right away.

What Productivity Questions Does This Video Answer?

  • How do you stop spending all of your time answering questions at work?
  • How to become more productive on the job?
  • How do you make your team more productive?
  • How do you manage people if you are a control freak?

Video Transcript

You hate distractions but are you encouraging them? It may seem like whenever you start getting the important work done, someone comes to you with a little question or distracting you from your big picture goals.

You may be part of them problem because are people coming to you simply because are people coming to you, simply because they don’t believe they’re allowed to make a decision without your blessing.

I am as much of a control freak as the next person but I realize that sometimes it is important to get people responsibility, give them the training they need, and then hold them accountable.

It’s hard at first to let go of some of that control but it frees up a lot of your time because I’m guessing you may be having to deal with a lot of low-level stuff.

You have better things to do. Let go of some of that control, hold people accountable, let them know what to do, and see what happens. It’s a great way to protect your time and grow the talent within your organization. Give it a shot.

Want an easy tip to help you save time at work?

About Ken Okel

Ken Okel works with leaders and organizations to boost productivity, performance, and profits. At conferences, conventions, and company meetings, he engages audiences with new ways to maximize their time at work. To watch a section of his keynote and workshop presentations, visit the professional speaking video section of his website.