How to Start Your Meetings on Time, Ken Okel, motivational speaker Orlando Miami FloridaA good organization will waste productivity and lower employee engagement if people don’t understand why you need to start your meetings on time. Whether it’s perceived dull content, lengthy announcements, or disrespected deadlines, people aren’t motivated to show up when they should.

As a result, meetings run late, frustration rises, and a lot of time is lost. Let’s change the game with some simple tips, for your next meeting, from our ongoing Productivity at Work series.

What Productivity Questions Does This Video Answer?

  • How to start your meetings on time?
  • How to make meetings more engaging?
  • What should you share at the start of your meetings
  • How to get employees to show up to your meetings on time?

Video Transcript for How to Start Your Meetings on Time

Do you struggle to start your meetings on time? You’ve got a meeting planned, you want to start in on time, and yet people are slow to arrive. They’re not bad people. They just get busy and maybe they don’t feel the beginning of the meeting, if they miss it, is going to cause them that much of a problem.

Maybe you need to rethink your meeting process. Take a page out of Hollywood. Think of a cliffhanger. In television, it might be episodic where the next week you’ll find out how the hero escapes some sort of danger.

It is a must see TV to find out how that cliffhanger is resolved. You need to be there at the very beginning to quickly see what happened.

Try to do the same thing at your meetings, where you start off right away with either important content or perhaps even some sort of award.

Let’s say you give out the employee of the month. That happens at the very beginning of the meeting, first thing, and you must be present to win.

Create that reason why people feel the beginning of the meeting is can’t miss TV. They want to go there. They want to see it.

You should also think about the content you’re delivering at the start of the meeting the beginning of your meetings. If it’s just 15 minutes of people goofing around and catching up, that’s not a very effective meeting. No wonder people are coming in later.

Instead, make sure the beginning of your meeting is can’t miss.

About This Video Series

Ken Okel’s ongoing Employee Productivity video series will make you more effective on the job. Every week, you’ll learn a new, easy to understand tip that you can use right away.

Got a productivity problem? Let us know and we’ll feature it in an upcoming episode.

About Ken Okel

As a motivational speaker, Ken Okel works with leaders and organizations to boost productivity, performance, and profits. At conferences, conventions, and company meetings, he engages audiences with new ways to maximize their time at work. To see a sample of his keynote and workshop presentations, visit his video page.

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