Stop Email Overload at Work, Ken Okel, Motivational Leadership Speaker, Miami Orlando FloridaIf you’re looking to boost your productivity on the job, then you need to stop email overload at work. Internal email can take up a lot of your time, distracting you from your big picture goals. For many, the challenge is that while we use email every day, we were never taught how to use it. As a result, you may have picked up some bad habits.

In this virtual training replay, you will receive some simple yet actionable strategies designed to give you more control over your inbox. You will learn:

  • Why you need to start the process by defining the pain, the lost time and productivity that can be traced to spending too much time on internal email;
  • How defining agreed upon urgency levels is an important step for overall productivity and your work life balance;
  • How a grouping strategy can play a key role, as you stop email overload at work;
  • The role simple codes can play in helping you go through your inbox faster and more effectively;
  • Why you’ll need to evaluate your progress with your new email system.

To access the companion infographic, click here. You’re welcome to share it with colleagues.

Ken Okel Performs Virtual Keynotes Too

Ken is no stranger to the world of virtual presenting. He spent more than a decade in TV news, where you are presenting to a camera lens and have to connect to an audience you can’t see. Ken also believes an engaging and productive virtual presentation needs to be fast paced, include audience participation, and be customized to the organization.

About Ken Okel

As a motivational keynote speaker, Ken Okel works with leaders and organizations to boost productivity, performance, and profits. At conferences, conventions, and company meetings, he engages leaders with new ways to help meet the challenges of a changing workplace. To see a sample of his keynote and workshop presentations, visit the videos page on his his website. When it comes to challenges, he’s been there, having worked in TV news, disaster relief, and professional ballet.