2 Minute Takeaway Podcast

Aug, 29 2018

Lessons from My Balloon Demonstration

By |2018-08-14T19:05:46+00:00August 29th, 2018|Categories: 2 Minute Takeaway Podcast|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Lessons from My Balloon Demonstration

A balloon demonstration can help you understand the importance of managing a workload. For years, visual learners have enjoyed seeing this representation of a familiar challenge in my speaking presentations. [...]

Aug, 8 2018

This Process Can Improve Employee Productivity

By |2018-07-24T14:37:01+00:00August 8th, 2018|Categories: 2 Minute Takeaway Podcast|Tags: , , |Comments Off on This Process Can Improve Employee Productivity

If you're looking for a process that can improve employee productivity, then you need to not think of all tasks as having equal value. It's very easy to spend too [...]

Aug, 1 2018

Think Playground to Improve Your Productivity

By |2018-07-14T18:02:08+00:00August 1st, 2018|Categories: 2 Minute Takeaway Podcast|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Think Playground to Improve Your Productivity

If your goal is to improve your productivity at work, then you may want to think back to your younger days on the playground. In this week's 2 Minute Takeaway [...]

Jul, 18 2018

Add Interaction to Your Training

By |2018-06-19T23:37:17+00:00July 18th, 2018|Categories: 2 Minute Takeaway Podcast|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Add Interaction to Your Training

It's a smart move to add interaction to your training. This keeps your important messages from only being delivered through one-way communication. While it may seem like people are listening, [...]

Jul, 11 2018

How to Prevent Deadline Stress

By |2021-07-31T16:50:32+00:00July 11th, 2018|Categories: 2 Minute Takeaway Podcast|Tags: , , |Comments Off on How to Prevent Deadline Stress

Deadline stress can take a toll on even the most productive people. It's made worse by sudden requests from your coworkers, which can can come unexpectedly. As a result, you [...]

Jul, 4 2018

Do You Waste Time on the Internet at Work

By |2021-08-20T16:15:00+00:00July 4th, 2018|Categories: 2 Minute Takeaway Podcast|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Do You Waste Time on the Internet at Work

If you feel like you waste time on the Internet at work, then you may be in need of a productivity intervention. All the time, spent online, may be causing [...]

Jun, 27 2018

Productivity Boosting Ideas for Your Team

By |2018-06-05T18:10:56+00:00June 27th, 2018|Categories: 2 Minute Takeaway Podcast|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Productivity Boosting Ideas for Your Team

When your team at work becomes stagnant, it's smart to seek out some productivity boosting ideas. Recently, I was a part of a huge plastics industry trade. While I don't [...]

Jun, 13 2018

How to Improve Your Time Management Skills

By |2018-05-24T23:30:27+00:00June 13th, 2018|Categories: 2 Minute Takeaway Podcast|Tags: , , |Comments Off on How to Improve Your Time Management Skills

If you're always going home late or working on the weekends, then you may need to improve your time management skills. You may be able to save a lot of [...]

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