Authentic Customer Service Tip
If you've ever had a customer service experience where you felt like you were talking to a robot, then you'll appreciate this authentic customer service tip. Customers want to speak [...]
If you've ever had a customer service experience where you felt like you were talking to a robot, then you'll appreciate this authentic customer service tip. Customers want to speak [...]
In today’s world, bad first impressions can be costly for a business, so you may want to consider these three common customer service mistakes. While some may seem familiar, you [...]
If you can shortcut understanding with smart phrases, then you can improve your customer service and employee training. In business, your ability to clearly convey information will likely define your [...]
The Dennis Decision chapter, of my new book Get Better!, highlights how random factors may play an important role in our professional lives. Dennis is a man who decided to [...]
For some, learning how to maintain customer loyalty during price hikes has become an uncomfortable challenge. But with inflation, raising the cost of your services may be unavoidable. What’s the [...]
Stop ignoring customer complaints because they may hold some important truths for your business. Yes, there is a group of people who are never happy about anything and will nitpick [...]
If you’ve ever worked in business, then you may have wondered whether you should fire your customers. While customers make everything possible, some of them can be overly demanding, which [...]
It’s possible that mixed messages at work could be acting like sales repellent for your customers. This can easily happen when the customer experience is defined in ways you did [...]
Some simple steps can help you prevent some customer service mistakes. Employees may be costing your business money due to some common bad habits. Often, these are a sign of [...]
Whether you're focused on customers or employees, you need to understand that mixed messages hurt your business. This kind of communication can easily start to happen in successful organizations. If [...]