A college professor knows a time management tip about controlling distractions at work. He or she understands what has to be done to keep students from constantly interrupting otherwise productive time.

This is a time management tip that you can use right away on your job. And it’s one that people will easily understand and respect.

Ken Okel’s Productivity at Work video series is designed to make you more effective on the job. Every week, you’ll learn a new, easy to digest tip that you can use right away.

What Productivity Questions Does This Video Answer?

How do I prevent distractions at work?
How can you get more done at work?
How do I politely limit interruptions from my coworkers?
What do college professors know about controlling distractions?
When is the best time to close your door and get a lot of work done?

Video Transcript

What does a college professor know about avoiding distractions at work? College professors are pretty smart people and they have these thing called office hours that are designed to allow them to protect their productive time.

Here’s how it works. During certain times of the week, let’s say ten to Noon on Tuesday and Thursday, students are able to come talk to the professor.

They can discuss their grade, they can get a little extra help, or to shoot the breeze. Whatever they like to do, the door is open.

But once those office hours are over, the professor is totally able to close the door and focus on his or her big picture goals. Now this might include research, publishing, whatever he or she needs to do.

That time is protected. Makes sense. How does it apply to your world of your world?

Can you have certain times where you are able to work and people understand they should not distract you during this time.

A lot of people like to do this on late Friday afternoon. Usually, in a lot of businesses, no one really want to talk to you late Friday. It’s a good time, put the little sign, close the door, put do not disturb on the phone, get some of that work done.

Carve out that time that allows you to focus on those big picture goals. You know those things that you never have time to get around to.

Give it a try. University professors, they’re pretty smart.

Want to know how to avoid a common burnout trap? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnTQlV-uEVs

About Ken Okel

Ken Okel works with leaders and organizations to boost productivity, performance, and profits. At conferences, conventions, and company meetings, he engages audiences with new ways to maximize their time at work. To watch a section of his keynote and workshop presentations, visit the professional speaking video section of his website.