Mokita (pronounced moe-KEE-tah) is an interesting word from New Guinea. It refers to a truth that everyone knows but nobody speaks of, especially in social situations.

The concept of unspoken truths is well known but we don’t have a word like, mokita, in English. But perhaps we can take some inspiration from the word, especially when it comes to our shortcomings.

Whether it’s a weight gain or a nasty habit like smoking, it’s often not seen as being polite to criticize someone for this kind of problem. But it still exists and for some, the fact that you never hear about it, makes it not appear to be a problem. This isn’t always a good consequence of polite society. So every once in a while, it might be a good idea to pay attention to the things you’re not being told but may have a hunch, could be true.

Maybe it would be good to have an annual, Truth Day, where all shortcomings would be openly discussed. Of course on that day, I’ll likely call in sick.