Ken Okel, get TV coverage, Professional Speaker, Miami, Orlando, change speaker, promote yourself on TV

I’ve just finished my new E-Book. ?It’s about one of the questions I’m asked the most: How to pitch TV stations with your story.

In this book I explain the different players in the newsroom, how to pitch them, traits of successful press conferences, and how to prepare for your moment in the spotlight. Below you can sample the introduction.


Imagine a dam bursting, only instead of water, it?s information that is flowing out.? This kind of flood is a daily occurrence in TV newsrooms.

I spent more than a decade in TV news as a reporter and an anchor.? I saw the deluge of press releases almost every day, arriving through the mail, email, and faxes.

I know that many newsworthy stories were never covered because they were poorly pitched.? They end up in the trash or become a placemat for someone?s lunch.

Think of it like this: When you have a drawer full of?rubber bands,?getting one more rubber band isn?t a big deal.? It hardly gets a second look.

This book will give you the tools you need to stand out from the pack.? We won?t change your message but we will change the way it is packaged.

You?ll also pick up tips for how to present yourself on the air.

In today?s economy, free coverage is a great form of advertising.? TV continues to be a fantastic platform to feature your organization.? Despite all the challenges faced by this industry, there remains a hunger for good stories.

Let?s work together to get you on the news.

Own this EBook for $7. Click?here for more.

Ken Okel, blog, convention speaker, Clear the path, stress, change, Miami OrlandoKen Okel, blog, convention speaker, Clear the path, stress, change, Miami Orlando