Year End Productivity Plan - Ken Okel - Professional Speaker Miami Orlando FloridaReaching your goals for this year may require you to create a year-end productivity plan. This is designed to help focus you and your team for the final weeks of the year.

This can be a challenge as you likely have less time than you think. We have several holidays between now and January 1st. Taking a strategic view of your time can also position you well for the new year, as you may realize it’s time to shift some priorities and resources.

Consider these tips for creating your year-end productivity plan:


Take a deep breath as you look over your to-do list for the year. While you started with good intentions, you’ve probably fallen behind on some projects. This is common, as other priorities may have emerged, demanding more of your time.

Don’t beat yourself up for being busy. But don’t fall into the trap of abandoning your list in frustration. Be clinical in revisiting your goals.

Check Importance

Of those remaining items on your list, which are most important? Also make sure you can articulate the difference, as you may need to make your case to your superiors.

You may also want to make sure the members of your team agree with your assessment, as you may need their help to reach your goals or provide feedback on other avenues.

What’s Taking Up Your Time?

Your year-end productivity plan will likely require shifting some priorities, so consider if there are activities that take up a lot of time but are not that important. Often, certain committees fall into this realm.

You may be able to easily miss these meetings, stay actively involved by reviewing the minutes, or send someone in your place. Your goal is to free up time.

There may be room for discussion to see if changes can be made to those meetings you must attend. A hour-long meeting may be accomplished in half the time, if attendees agree to arrive on time, have a focused agenda, and understand clearly defined next steps.

Create Routines for Your Year-End Productivity Plan

Habits create momentum for getting things done. At home, I have a routine for when I take out the garbage for trash pickup days. I don’t have to think about it much. It just happens.

When starting something new or picking up an abandoned project, think about how, where, and when you’ll get it done. Make sure it can be achieved and then commit to your plan.

Final Thought

While you may not be able to accomplish all your annual goals, take an active role in trying to achieve them. Success rarely happens by accident.

Make the Most of Your New Year with Ken Okel

Ken Okel Testimonials - Motivational Speaker Florida Orlando Miami